From 'Modern Mathematical Statistics with Applications' (Devore and Beck) pg 377
Let $X_1, X_2 \ldots$ be a random sample from the disbribution $f(x,\theta) = \theta x^{\theta-1}$ for $x\in {]0,1[}$ and $\theta >0$.
The MLE is given by $\hat \theta = \dfrac{-n}{\sum_i\ln X_i}$.
It also shows how $$\sqrt{n}(\hat \theta - \theta) \stackrel{\text{D}}{\rightarrow}N(0,\theta)$$
Using the fact that the MLE is consistent and the CLT.
I wonder if this estimator is also unbiased, I want to show how $E[\hat \theta] = \theta $. Any ideas (no full solutions please) on how to (dis)prove this.
Here are some things I've tried:
Notice how $E[\ln X] = \frac{-1}{\theta}$ or $E[\sum_i \ln X_i]= \dfrac{-n}{\theta}$
Calculating the expected value seems cumbersome:
$$E\left[\frac{-n}{\sum_i \ln X_i}\right] = \int_0^1\ldots \int_0^1 \frac{-n}{\sum_i \ln x_i} \cdot \theta^n x_1^{\theta-1}x_2^{\theta-1}\ldots x_n^{\theta-1}\operatorname d x_1\ldots \operatorname dx_n$$
Edit after the responses from JohnK and Alecos Papadopoulos
Direct calculation: Okay, this is pretty cool. I worked it out and found how $\sum_i -\ln X_i = \sum Y_i \stackrel{\text{d}}{=} \Gamma(n,\theta)$ (through the hints supplied byJohnK), then I immedialty used LOTUS and found $E[\hat \theta] = \dfrac{n}{n-1}\theta > \theta$.
Jensen's reasoning: I guess I should use Jensen's inequality as follows, since $E\left[\sum_i \ln X_i\right] = \dfrac{-n}{\theta}$ and because $\sum_i \ln X_i \in {]-\infty, 0[}$ I should look at the left part of the function $g:x\mapsto \dfrac{-n}{x}$ which is stictly convex. Jensen's concludes: $$E[g(X)] > g(E[X])$$ this would imply here: $$E[\hat \theta] > \theta$$