I'm aware of MCMC methods such as Metropolis Hastings and friends, but these methods assume a stable posterior distribution. Is there a way to draw samples from a multidimensional timeseries? For example, the purchases on a debit card. There is correlation and seasonality in purchases: buy coffee in the morning, lunch in the afternoon, dinner at night. These purchases are heavily correlated - when you buy coffee (\$2) you buy it at a coffee shop, when you buy groceries (\$100) you buy it in a supermarket, and so on.
Edit for specificity:
For example, given a dataset of N observations, like debit card transactions:
| time | merchant | purchase | cost |
|17:00 | shop A | food | $10 |
|09:30 | shop B | coffee | $2 |
| ... | ... | ... | ... |
Time is a continuous variable, merchant and purchase are categorical and cost is discrete.
Is there a method for drawing samples from these sorts of distributions, with or without making model assumptions (I'm sure there is)? I mention MCMC because it's the closest thing I know to this, but I don't know if it is the solution!