I am looking for a working solution for exactly the same problem. The best I found is the Null Unrestricted Bootstrap introduced by Foulkes Andrea in his book Applied Statistical Genetics with R(2009). Contrary to all bunch of other articles and books he considers specifically the regressions. Besides other methods he advises the Null Unrestricted Bootstrap, which is suitable where one cannot easily compute residuals (as in my case, where I model many independent regressions (basically simple correlations), each with the same response variable and different snip). I found this method to be also called the maxT method.
> attach(fms)
> Actn3Bin <- > data.frame(actn3_r577x!="TT",actn3_rs540874!="AA",actn3_rs1815739!="TT",actn3_1671064!="GG")
> Mod <- summary(lm(NDRM.CH~.,data=Actn3Bin))
> CoefObs <- as.vector(Mod$coefficients[-1,1])
> B <-1000
> TestStatBoot <- matrix(nrow=B,ncol=NSnps)
> for (i in 1:B){
+ SampID <- sample(1:Nobs,size=Nobs, replace=T)
+ Ynew <- NDRM.CH[!MissDat][SampID]
+ Xnew <- Actn3BinC[SampID,]
+ CoefBoot <- summary(lm(Ynew~.,data=Xnew))$coefficients[-1,1]
+ SEBoot <- summary(lm(Ynew~.,data=Xnew))$coefficients[-1,2]
+ if (length(CoefBoot)==length(CoefObs)){
+ TestStatBoot[i,] <- (CoefBoot-CoefObs)/SEBoot
+ }
+ }
Once we have the all the TestStatBoot
matrix (in rows we have bootstrap replications, and in columns we have bootstrapped $\hat{\vec{T}^*}$ statistics) we find for which $T_{\text{crit.}}$ we observe exactly $\alpha=0.05$ percent of more significant $\hat{\vec{T}^*}$ statistics (more significant means that with bigger absolute value than $T_{\text{crit.}}$).
We report $i$-th model component significant, if its $\hat{\vec{T}_i} > T_{\text{crit.}}$
The last step can be accomplished with this code
p.value<-0.05 # The target alpha threshold
library(gtools) # for binsearch
p.level<-(1-pnorm(q=ans$where[[1]]/digits))*2 #two-sided.