I am working with some bird mortality data across 9 years of surveys and have run up against a problem estimating the standard deviation.
Across the 9 years, survival estimates were .47,.60,.36,.58,.57,.50,.57,.46, and .40. Within each of the annual survival estimates, let's say there were 100 data points every year.
what is the standard deviation and standard error, assuming all values are drawn from the same population (not a legitimate assumption, I know)?
Is the standard deviation simply sqrt(p * (1-p))? that just seems too large? I am not sure how this would account for dispersion differences. For example, you could imagine another scenario where the survival estimates had a greater spread but the same mean (e.g. .1,.2,.3,.8,.7,.8,.6,.4,.6) that would have the same overall mean and thus would arrive at the same standard deviation.
Here is some R code that I have used to try and figure it out. dat is the simulated survival (1) and mortality(0) data, while prop represents the proportions.
Randprop = c(.47,.60,.36,.58,.57,.50,.57,.46,.40)
func = function(x){return(rbinom(100,1,x))}
dat = lapply(prop,func)
prop = unlist(lapply(dat,mean))
Maybe what I want is simply the standard deviation ( e.g. sd(prop) in R), but I can't really think of a justification, other than the fact that it would include information on the variation between the sampled proportion vlaues.
As for the standard error, is N = 9 (the number of years) or is N = total number of data points (9 * 100).
Any help would be appreciated.
simply computes an (adjusted) standard deviation. It has nothing to do with any assumptions of normality. You might therefore want to rephrase your question in a way that distinguishes basic statistics, like the SD, from your objectives. In particular, what are you actually trying to find out about these data? $\endgroup$replicate(5,rowMeans(matrix(rbinom(9*100, 1, Randprop), 9)))
each column is a replicate of theRandprop
vector $\endgroup$