I downloaded a dataset for intrusion detection. It's from the honeypot systems of Kyoto University (2013 dataset). I'll be using the dataset for training a neural network. My problem is how to process the dataset. Am I going to use vector space model or what?
A sample from the dataset:
The specifications of the features are as follows (further details):
- Duration
- Service
- Source bytes
- Destination bytes
- Count
- Same_srv_rate
- Serror_rate
- Srv_serror_rate
- Dst_host_count
- Dst_host_srv_count
- Dst_host_same_src_port_rate
- Dst_host_serror_rate
- Dst_host_srv_serror_rate
- Flag
- IDS_detection
- Malware_detection
- Ashula_detection
- Label
- Source_IP_Address
- Source_Port_Number
- Destination_IP_Address
- Destination_Port_Number
- Start_Time
- Duration
to [0, n-1] where n is the number of symbols. As for the integer values, they did a linear scaling to [0.0, 1.0]. What I am now having a trouble with is how they did the linear scaling. $\endgroup$