
I am doing multi level analysis with SPSS and have some categorical variables as control variables (country, gender). enter image description here

As you can see country has a significant effect, but I am not sure how I can report it sufficiently with country 3 being set to zero because it is redundant.

Basically I want to make a table which includes Estimates, Standard error and significance. Can I somehow put country as one variable?

  • $\begingroup$ Check footnote b... SPSS adds the reference class to the output (which is represented by the intercept and is thus redundant, i.e. getting an effect of 0). $\endgroup$
    – Michael M
    Commented Jul 13, 2017 at 10:36

2 Answers 2


Redendant levels are most often called reference levels you can just replace 0's in Estimate column with reference level note or change description of non-refrence levels e.g. [country=1 vs 3] or make another footnote under your table saying "Reference levels: country=3, gender=1".

Basically I want to make a table which includes Estimates, Standard error and significance. Can I somehow put country as one variable?

You can get significance of country as one variable. You can't get Estimate and Std. error for it. Why? Just take a look on Estimate's interpretation. 1.07 for country=1 means that in this country OC_A_Total is on average 1.07 units higher than in reference country (country=3), adjusting for age, gender and the rest of your variables, of course. Similarly, you can say, that in country=2 it is 1.005 units higher. These two estimates can not be collapsed into one (at least if you still wish it to have some clear interpretation).

  • $\begingroup$ I'm calculating the logit manually and I also have this message in SPSS. So are you guys saying that in my manual calculation it should be 0 * Gender since SPSS says 0b? $\endgroup$ Commented Oct 5, 2020 at 5:45

If you really want to avoid this warning, which is due to the dummy variable trap, you can try re-running your model without intercept.


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