I am facing a problem which I'm not sure has a specific answer - theproblem of distributed regression model building: I've got some k stations, each having the same data structure (that is, all of them have the same columns but of course different data) and each able to compute it's own regression model. What I'm looking to do is building a unified regression model, which will have the same $\beta$ as if I would have had combined all the data together and then calculated the regression coefficients.
To simplify, let's say I want to build a regression model of variable $y$ vs. predictors matrix $X=(x_{sex}, x_{age})$. problem is, my data is split to two chunks: $y_1$ vs. $X_1$ and $y_2$ vs. $X_2$.
What I can do:
compute the linear regression of $y_i$ vs. $X_i$
use the results of each regression (i.e play with $\hat{\beta}^{(i)}$, residuals and so on)
What I cannot do:
combine the datasets
see the contents of the $X_i$ matrices or the $y_i$ vectors.
Any ideas? I'll greatly appreciate references to papers.