It is a random slope model. You have a random intercept for each person, in this case you are accounting the (random) slopes of time within each person.
It is not necessaraly the best approach, you should run the models and compare them. It is also worth to consider the correlation (or not) between the slopes and intercept, your syntax assumes correlation between them.
model <- glmer(response ~ time*treatment + (1+time | person), data, family=binomial) # correlated slopes and intercept
model1 <- glmer(response ~ time*treatment + (1+time || person), data, family=binomial) #uncorrelated slopes and intercept
model2<- glmer(response ~ time*treatment + (1| person), data, family=binomial)
MuMIn::model.sel(model,model1,model2) # compare their AICc and pick the one with the lower AICc value.