In imaging, one often does flat-field and dark-current correction. The dark current is assumed to be some fixed value and has a Poisson-like shot-noise. Therefore, the value of any pixel follows to be $P(n)$, where $n$ is the amount of dark-current.
My question now is, when I correct an image for this dark-current, I measure the dark-current for some time (exposure time). I usually measure my Signal for the same exposure time and finally subtract the dark-current measurement from the signal. In the resulting, corrected image, what does the noise look like?
For simplicity, assume, that I have no signal and measure two distinct dark-frames and subtract them from each other.
On a further note: I understand that the relative error decreases, when measuring the signal over a longer time (as $n$ increases and the error goes like $\sqrt{n}$. It therefore makes sense to take the dark-current image for a longer time and normalize it afterwards to the exposure time of the signal. I would also be interested in the resulting distribution in that case.