everyone! I'm trying to plot pvalues of a test by categories (in this case, genetic loci). So, the x-axis contains gene names. I'm getting the plot to work, but the x-axis was very busy, so I am thinking of splitting the screen into several plots, each containing only a few loci (i.e., a few x values). When I attempted to plot a subset of my data with the script below, I got a plot that still contained far too many x-values on the x-axis. In other words, the bars that were plotted were all crowded onto the left-hand side of the plot, and many x-values had nothing. Any idea what I'm doing wrong? It's hard to read the loci names on the x-axis, so I can't tell whether it's repeating the same locus names (i.e., maybe a problem having to do with melt()) or whether it's plotting all of the Loci values from data instead of from split1_data. Alternatively, any different recommendations for how to make a plot with hundreds of bars easy to see? Thank you so much!
data=read.csv("Pvalues_of_all.csv", header=TRUE)
split1_data<-subset(data,data$Loci %in% data$Loci[1:10])
pdf('/Users/markfisher/Desktop/pvalue_sensitivity.pdf', bg = "white")
p <- ggplot(split1_datam, aes(x =Loci, y = value, color = variable, width=.15))
p + geom_bar(position="dodge") + ylab("P-value")+ geom_hline(yintercept=0.05)
Update: I added made the suggested change of using droplevels(), and got an error about an unexpected numeric constant. This is the output from my R console:
> library(reshape)
> library(ggplot2)
> require(ggplot2)
> setwd("/Users/markfisher/Desktop")
> sink(file="/Users/markfisher/Desktop/Pvalue_HWE_output.txt")
> data=read.csv("Pvalues_of_all.csv", header=TRUE)
> attach(data)
> print(data$Loci[1:10])
> split1_data<-droplevels(subset(data,data$Loci %in% data$Loci[1:10]))
> split2_data<-subset(data,data$Loci %in% data$Loci[11:20])
> split3_data<-subset(data,data$Loci %in% data$Loci[21:30])
> split4_data<-subset(data,data$Loci %in% data$Loci[31:40])
> split5_data<-subset(data,data$Loci %in% data$Loci[41:51])
> split6_data<-subset(data,data$Loci %in% data$Loci[52:62])
> split1_datam<-melt(split1_data,id="Loci")
> print("split1_data$Loci")
> print(split1_data$Loci)
> sink()
> pdf('/Users/markfisher/Desktop/pvalue_sensitivity.pdf', bg = "white")
> p <- ggplot(split1_datam, aes(x =Loci, y = value, color = variable, width=.15))1
Error: unexpected numeric constant in "p <- ggplot(split1_datam, aes(x =Loci, y = value, color = variable, width=.15))1"
> p + geom_bar(position="dodge") + ylab("P-value")+ geom_hline(yintercept=0.05)
Error: object 'p' not found
> dev.off()
null device
If anyone needs to see my output file, it looks like this:
The following object(s) are masked from 'data (position 3)':
All, Loci, X1_only, X1_removed, X2_only, X2_removed, X3_only, X3_removed,
X4_only, X4_removed, X5_only, X5_removed, X7_only, X7_removed, X78_only,
X8_only, X8_removed
The following object(s) are masked from 'data (position 4)':
All, Loci, X1_only, X1_removed, X2_only, X2_removed, X3_only, X3_removed,
X4_only, X4_removed, X5_only, X5_removed, X7_only, X7_removed, X78_only,
X8_only, X8_removed
The following object(s) are masked from 'data (position 5)':
All, Loci, X1_only, X1_removed, X2_only, X2_removed, X3_only, X3_removed,
X4_only, X4_removed, X5_only, X5_removed, X7_only, X7_removed, X78_only,
X8_only, X8_removed
The following object(s) are masked from 'data (position 6)':
All, Loci, X1_only, X1_removed, X2_only, X2_removed, X3_only, X3_removed,
X4_only, X4_removed, X5_only, X5_removed, X7_only, X7_removed, X78_only,
X8_only, X8_removed
The following object(s) are masked from 'data (position 7)':
All, Loci, X1_only, X1_removed, X2_only, X2_removed, X3_only, X3_removed,
X4_only, X4_removed, X5_only, X5_removed, X7_only, X7_removed, X78_only,
X8_only, X8_removed
The following object(s) are masked from 'data (position 8)':
All, Loci, X1_only, X1_removed, X2_only, X2_removed, X3_only, X3_removed,
X4_only, X4_removed, X5_only, X5_removed, X7_only, X7_removed, X78_only,
X8_only, X8_removed
The following object(s) are masked from 'data (position 9)':
All, Loci, X1_only, X1_removed, X2_only, X2_removed, X3_only, X3_removed,
X4_only, X4_removed, X5_only, X5_removed, X7_only, X7_removed, X78_only,
X8_only, X8_removed
The following object(s) are masked from 'data (position 10)':
All, Loci, X1_only, X1_removed, X2_only, X2_removed, X3_only, X3_removed,
X4_only, X4_removed, X5_only, X5_removed, X7_only, X7_removed, X78_only,
X8_only, X8_removed
The following object(s) are masked from 'data (position 11)':
All, Loci, X1_only, X1_removed, X2_only, X2_removed, X3_only, X3_removed,
X4_only, X4_removed, X5_only, X5_removed, X7_only, X7_removed, X78_only,
X8_only, X8_removed
The following object(s) are masked from 'data (position 12)':
All, Loci, X1_only, X1_removed, X2_only, X2_removed, X3_only, X3_removed,
X4_only, X4_removed, X5_only, X5_removed, X7_only, X7_removed, X78_only,
X8_only, X8_removed
The following object(s) are masked from 'data (position 13)':
All, Loci, X1_only, X1_removed, X2_only, X2_removed, X3_only, X3_removed,
X4_only, X4_removed, X5_only, X5_removed, X7_only, X7_removed, X78_only,
X8_only, X8_removed
The following object(s) are masked from 'data (position 14)':
All, Loci, X1_only, X1_removed, X2_only, X2_removed, X3_only, X3_removed,
X4_only, X4_removed, X5_only, X5_removed, X7_only, X7_removed, X78_only,
X8_only, X8_removed
[1] Baez Blue C147 C204 C21 C278_PT C294 C316
[9] C485 C487_PigTa
62 Levels: Baez Blue C147 C204 C21 C278_PT C294 C316 C485 C487_PigTa C536 Carey ... Yellow
[1] "split1_data$Loci"
[1] Baez Blue C147 C204 C21 C278_PT C294 C316
[9] C485 C487_PigTa
Levels: Baez Blue C147 C204 C21 C278_PT C294 C316 C485 C487_PigTa
I would also show what my plot looks like, but alas I do not yet have enough cool points on CrossValidated to do so. Thanks again for all of your help with this. I hope my updates clarify things a little bit...