A Bayes estimator is one which minimizes the Bayes risk. Specifically, if and only if
$$\delta_{\Lambda} = \arg\min \operatorname{BR}(\Lambda,\delta) := \int R(\theta, \delta) d \Lambda(\theta) = \int \left( \int L(\theta, \delta(x))dx \right) d \Lambda(\theta) $$ where $L(\theta, \delta(X))$ is a given loss function, $R(\theta, \delta)$ is the corresponding risk function, and $\operatorname{BR}(\Lambda, \delta)$ is defined to be the Bayes risk, is $\delta_{\Lambda}$ a Bayes estimator.
Theorem 4.1.1 on p. 228 of Casella, Lehmann, Theory of Point Estimation, as well as Theorem 7.1 on p. 116 of Keener, Theoretical Statistics: Topics for a Core Course, state the following sufficient condition for $\delta_{\Lambda}$ to be a Bayes estimator:
$$\forall x, \quad \delta_{\Lambda} = \arg\min \mathbb{E}\left[ L(\Theta, \delta(X))| X = x \right] $$
It is obvious why this is a sufficient condition: integrating first over $x$, we get by monotonicity of integrals an $\arg\min$ for $\mathbb{E}[L(\Theta, \delta(X))] = \int L(\Theta, \delta(x)) dx = R(\Theta, \delta)$. Then, integrating over $\theta$, we get an $\arg\min$ for the Bayes risk, again by monotonicity of integrals.
Question: Is the above condition necessary for $\delta_{\Lambda}$ to be a Bayes estimator?
Intuitively, I don't see any reason why it is necessary unless we have additional conditions guaranteeing uniqueness ($\mathcal{P}$-a.s.) of the Bayes estimator. Also, the proofs in both of the books I mentioned above only seem to show sufficiency, not necessity.
However, Wikipedia says that: "An estimator... is said to be a Bayes estimator if it minimizes the Bayes risk among all estimators. Equivalently, the estimator which minimizes the posterior expected loss ... for each x ." I.e. it seems to be implying that the two conditions are equivalent, i.e. that the latter condition is not only sufficient, but necessary. Is this actually true in general?