I'm in the middle of reading a book Forecasting: Principles and Practice and simultaneously trying to code "by hand" all the things, for better understanding.
I've found something that I cannot explain:
- Given a time-series generated by AR(2) process,
- I try to model it as linear regression problem
- Judging from what I've read so far- it should be perfectly possible to find matching coefficients using both methods.
Unfortunately, I get different results. Question is why?
AR(p) model is described by the equation:
$$ y_t = \epsilon_t + \phi_1y_{t-1} + \phi_2y_{t-2} + ... + \phi_py_{t-p} $$
I've lagged time-series by 1 and 2 and created classical dataframe with three columns:
- current x
- t-1 x
- t-2 x and performed regression.
R code example below:
x <- arima.sim(model = list(order=c(2,0,0), ar=c(0.6,0.3)), n=100)
x.ts <- as.xts(x)
# Generate dataframe
x.lag1 <- lag(x.ts, 1)
x.lag2 <- lag(x.ts, 2)
x.df <- data.frame(
# Fit regression
fit.x <- lm(x.curr ~ ., data=x.df)
arima(x = x.ts, order = c(2,0,0), include.mean = FALSE)
Results are quite different:
#Regression results
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 0.08173 0.11102 0.736 0.463
x.lag1 0.54860 0.10082 5.441 4.11e-07 ***
x.lag2 0.15724 0.09883 1.591 0.115
# Arima results
ar1 ar2 intercept
0.5919 0.1645 0.5572
s.e. 0.0983 0.1009 0.4268
Coefficients are similar, although slightly different. Questions:
- why is it so? Is it this random error component included in every observation in AR(p) process?
- how could I model ARMA process with differencing (non-stationary) using regression? Should I fit regression model to differenced-and-lagged time series just like that?