I have data that I analyzed using a stratified PWP-GT extension of the Cox PH model and I am having trouble figuring out what I need to report in the upcome manuscript and how to interpret the stratified components. Briefly, the data contains information about how long it took individual insects to reach certain developmental points ("event": 1, 2, 3, 4) after being treated with a pesticide. Including the control group, there were four levels of pesticide ("tx": C, L, M, and H). After some preliminary data exploration, I found that when the insects arrived ("ship": 1, 2, 3, 4) and started the experiment had a significant effect on development time.
From all of this, I made the following model in R:
> coxph(formula = Surv(rep(0, dim(sub1)[1]), tstop - tstart, status) ~
tx * strata(event) + ship * strata(event) + cluster(id) +
strata(event), data = sub1, method = "breslow")
Where "id" equals the individual insects and "tstop - tstart" indicates the gap time between events.
This outputs: (EDITED TO INCLUDE "ship" AS A FACTOR)
coxph(formula = Surv(rep(0, dim(sub1)[1]), tstop - tstart, status) ~
tx * strata(event) + ship * strata(event) + cluster(id) +
strata(event), data = sub1, method = "breslow")
n= 492, number of events= 478
coef exp(coef) se(coef) robust se z Pr(>|z|)
txh -0.26370516438318 0.76819999899147 0.26233252301991 0.22689202991138 -1.16225 0.2451341
txl -0.11987649941476 0.88702997867426 0.25672484677695 0.18618575422004 -0.64385 0.5196699
txm -0.51362257507084 0.59832417391156 0.27195280894235 0.23832152919253 -2.15517 0.0311488 *
ship2 1.65646739004232 5.24076452832491 1.03399484661244 0.21696246528283 7.63481 2.2649e-14 ***
ship3 1.33578200803071 3.80296873598721 0.23058142160552 0.22861869093861 5.84284 5.1319e-09 ***
txh:strata(event)event=2 0.09842786823565 1.10343480882414 0.37065411069586 0.31825353892903 0.30928 0.7571123
txl:strata(event)event=2 -0.07427724599606 0.92841425902055 0.36269132158140 0.24381582455421 -0.30464 0.7606366
txm:strata(event)event=2 0.49030567879075 1.63281526067281 0.38153511309810 0.31897747833434 1.53712 0.1242647
txh:strata(event)event=3 0.08024387819237 1.08355128998456 0.38622480003047 0.34278826007442 0.23409 0.8149138
txl:strata(event)event=3 -0.05197138144960 0.94935603564767 0.37101662106664 0.32942786091746 -0.15776 0.8746439
txm:strata(event)event=3 0.48005016860266 1.61615548042121 0.38211881930279 0.35384318204038 1.35667 0.1748845
txh:strata(event)event=4 0.25828662043757 1.29470985575366 0.37678415307640 0.29040930717579 0.88939 0.3737945
txl:strata(event)event=4 0.01633743201781 1.01647161761367 0.37635750078046 0.23765893060307 0.06874 0.9451940
txm:strata(event)event=4 0.79156021665709 2.20683688529518 0.39001352229631 0.25824225217817 3.06518 0.0021754 **
strata(event)event=2:ship2 -2.87880676955391 0.05620178452044 1.45849731918900 0.28690571886754 -10.03398 < 2.22e-16 ***
strata(event)event=3:ship2 0.59127090608651 1.80628257277547 1.46984114123398 0.34311762620912 1.72323 0.0848468 .
strata(event)event=4:ship2 -1.80811450547487 0.16396299686714 1.45261480585070 0.21783939462209 -8.30022 < 2.22e-16 ***
strata(event)event=2:ship3 -2.15379915896782 0.11604245552070 0.31838628524726 0.28307156268510 -7.60867 2.7645e-14 ***
strata(event)event=3:ship3 0.22972491271199 1.25825383268272 0.34233273407819 0.36139360103116 0.63566 0.5249954
strata(event)event=4:ship3 -1.15889323548630 0.31383332833294 0.32161353666032 0.26768619263227 -4.32930 1.4959e-05 ***
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
exp(coef) exp(-coef) lower .95 upper .95
txh 0.76819999899147 1.3017443391211 0.49242881278360 1.19840923831125
txl 0.88702997867426 1.1273576136565 0.61582412220287 1.27767353485976
txm 0.59832417391156 1.6713347773707 0.37503940106341 0.95454455204408
ship2 5.24076452832491 0.1908118547581 3.42543603154333 8.01813625723261
ship3 3.80296873598721 0.2629524640939 2.42952947665736 5.95282804586274
txh:strata(event)event=2 1.10343480882414 0.9062610604659 0.59135568542433 2.05894423159404
txl:strata(event)event=2 0.92841425902055 1.0771053872600 0.57571215103501 1.49719444830733
txm:strata(event)event=2 1.63281526067281 0.6124391559079 0.87382190804916 3.05106298082884
txh:strata(event)event=3 1.08355128998456 0.9228912458904 0.55343621886470 2.12144301006479
txl:strata(event)event=3 0.94935603564767 1.0533455968580 0.49775956270853 1.81066713719455
txm:strata(event)event=3 1.61615548042121 0.6187523490867 0.80777661572505 3.23351590779965
txh:strata(event)event=4 1.29470985575366 0.7723738222552 0.73278336798836 2.28754320009662
txl:strata(event)event=4 1.01647161761367 0.9837953000081 0.63796904694880 1.61953711446611
txm:strata(event)event=4 2.20683688529518 0.4531372511776 1.33031359891976 3.66088796074397
strata(event)event=2:ship2 0.05620178452044 17.7930293234080 0.03202841999485 0.09861993141683
strata(event)event=3:ship2 1.80628257277547 0.5536232343002 0.92198411562698 3.53873421180760
strata(event)event=4:ship2 0.16396299686714 6.0989370718218 0.10698444024686 0.25128761041906
strata(event)event=2:ship3 0.11604245552070 8.6175356727230 0.06662940869666 0.20210072018766
strata(event)event=3:ship3 1.25825383268272 0.7947521986624 0.61965430467327 2.55497734062470
strata(event)event=4:ship3 0.31383332833294 3.1864047241633 0.18571379401475 0.53033948552421
Concordance= 0.653 (se = 0.043 )
Rsquare= 0.164 (max possible= 1 )
Likelihood ratio test= 88.11 on 20 df, p=1.581164088549e-10
Wald test = 404.6 on 20 df, p=0
Score (logrank) test = 110.98 on 20 df, p=1.298960938811e-14, Robust = 52.59 p=9.340668759683e-05
(Note: the likelihood ratio and score tests assume independence of
observations within a cluster, the Wald and robust score tests do not).
I understand the individual components of the output (coef, exp(coef), se(coef), z, Pr(>|z|), etc.) and that the numbers are compared to a baseline group (I think... txC, event=1, ship=1). However, I'm still unsure about two things:
What do I report in a manuscript? I have a couple other of these outputs and it would quickly get overwhelming for a reader to make their way through all of them. Would it be adequate just to explain the effects of the covariate of interest (tx)?
What about comparing the other treatments to each other? For example, I'd like to know the difference between L and H. My output doesn't contain that information. Would I just rerun the model without C to set a new baseline group? I'm hesitant because I don't want to inflate my type I error.
as a standard numeric variable rather than as a factor (which is, I think, what you would have intended). You probably want to fix that first. $\endgroup$