Throw $x$ dice, each of which has $z$ sides, keep the $y$ highest values rolled, and find their sum $s$. In roleplaying games, this is called a "roll and keep dice mechanic" and notated "$x$d$z$k$y$" or perhaps just "$x$k$y$" if the number of sides $z$ is understood. Let (capital) $S$ be the random variable for the sum of the $y$ highest dice, and let (lower case) $s$ be the observed sum of the $y$ highest dice.
A combinatorial formula for the probability mass funtion $f$ for this distribution was derived by a user called "techmologist" over at PhysicsForums: Puzzling "roll X dice, choose Y highest" problem.
The pmf is
$ f(s) = $ $$\sum_{r=1}^{z}\sum_{i=0}^{x-y}\sum_{j=x-y-i+1}^{x-i}{x \choose i,j,x-i-j}(r-1)^i N(s+i+j-x-ry; x-i-j, z-r-1) $$
where $N$ is the number of ways to distribute $B$ indistinguishable balls among $C$ cells so that each cell has between 0 and $D$ balls, namely,
$$ N(B;C,D) = \sum_{k=0}^{\lfloor B/(D+1) \rfloor} (-1)^k \binom{C}{k} \binom{B-k(D+1) + C-1}{C-1} $$
My intuition is that there might be a simpler way to express this mechanic using order statistics. Let $Z_1,Z_2,\ldots,Z_x$ be the unordered random variables for the $x$ iid dice throws, which are each discrete uniform distributions on the integer values $\{1, 2, \ldots, z \}$. And let $1 \leq Z_{1:x} \leq Z_{2:x} \leq \ldots \leq Z_{x:x} \leq z$ be the order statistics, so that for example, $Z_{x:x}$ is the r.v. representing maximum roll of the $x$ dice.
In support of my intuition, it can be shown that
$ E(S) = E(Z_{(x-y+1):x} + Z_{(x-y+2):x} + \ldots + Z_{(x-1):x} + Z_{x:x}) $
For instance, for the 4d6k3 distribution, the mean is 15869/1296 (or 12.2446). And this can be verified (quite easily in Mathematica) by using either techmologist's cominatorial formula or by using the expected value of the sum of the three highest order statistics shown above or by enumerating all outcomes or by simulating a large number of dice throws.
$ S \not= Z_{(x-y+1):x} + Z_{(x-y+2):x} + \ldots + Z_{(x-1):x} + Z_{x:x} $ (WRONG)
EDIT: Thanks to Douglas Zare for explaining that the LHS and RHS are in fact equal... This helped me realize that my real confusion was that the pmf of S cannot be calculated easily by taking the convolution of the pmfs of the second through fourth order statistics, because the order statistics are not independent RVs. And that leads to a follow-up question: In a case like this, how would you find the convolution of the pmfs of the order statistics on the RHS, given that order statistics are not independent RVs? I will think about a better way to phrase this question and post it separately. Thanks again!
The question is whether my intuition is correct: Is there some way to express the pmf $f$ of $S$ in terms of the pmfs of the order statistics? And if not, what's wrong with my intuition that there should be some easy way to calculate the pmf $f$ from the pmf of the order statistics?
BTW, this isn't homework. I'm just a roleplayer, not a statistician, trying to satisfy my curiosity whether this dice mechanic can be analyzed and expressed more simply using order statistics.