Here is an example of estimating a mean, $\theta$, from Normal continuous data. Before delving directly into an example, though, I'd like to review some of the math for Normal-Normal Bayesian data models.
Consider a random sample of n continuous values denoted by $y_1, ..., y_n$. Here the vector $y = (y_1, ..., y_n)^T$ represents the data gathered. The probability model for Normal data with known variance and independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) samples is
y_1, ..., y_n | \theta \sim N(\theta, \sigma^2)
Or as more typically written by Bayesian,
y_1, ..., y_n | \theta \sim N(\theta, \tau)
where $\tau = 1 / \sigma^2$; $\tau$ is known as the precision
With this notation, the density for $y_i$ is then
f(y_i | \theta, \tau) = \sqrt(\frac{\tau}{2 \pi}) \times exp\left( -\tau (y_i - \theta)^2 / 2 \right)
Classical statistics (i.e. maximum likelihood) gives us an estimate of $\hat{\theta} = \bar{y}$
In a Bayesian perspective, we append maximum likelihood with prior information. A choice of priors for this Normal data model is another Normal distribution for $\theta$. The Normal distribution is conjugate to the Normal distribution.
\theta \sim N(a,1/b)
The posterior distribution we obtain from this Normal-Normal (after a lot of algebra) data model is another Normal distribution.
\theta | y \sim N(\frac{b}{b + n\tau} a + \frac{n \tau}{b + n \tau} \bar{y}, \frac{1}{b + n\tau})
The posterior precision is $b + n\tau$ and mean is a weighted mean between $a$ and $\bar{y}$, $\frac{b}{b + n\tau} a + \frac{n \tau}{b + n \tau} \bar{y}$.
The usefulness of this Bayesian methodology comes from the fact that you obtain a distribution of $\theta | y$ rather than just an estimate since $\theta$ is viewed as a random variable rather than a fixed (unknown) value. In addition, your estimate of $\theta$ in this model is a weighted average between the empirical mean and prior information.
That said, you can now use any Normal-data textbook example to illustrate this. I'll use the data set airquality
within R. Consider the problem of estimating average wind speeds (MPH).
> ## New York Air Quality Measurements
> help("airquality")
> ## Estimating average wind speeds
> wind = airquality$Wind
> hist(wind, col = "gray", border = "white", xlab = "Wind Speed (MPH)")
> n = length(wind)
> ybar = mean(wind)
> ybar
[1] 9.957516 ## "frequentist" estimate
> tau = 1/sd(wind)
> ## but based on some research, you felt avgerage wind speeds were closer to 12 mph
> ## but probably no greater than 15,
> ## then a potential prior would be N(12, 2)
> a = 12
> b = 2
> ## Your posterior would be N((1/))
> postmean = 1/(1 + n*tau) * a + n*tau/(1 + n*tau) * ybar
> postsd = 1/(1 + n*tau)
> set.seed(123)
> posterior_sample = rnorm(n = 10000, mean = postmean, sd = postsd)
> hist(posterior_sample, col = "gray", border = "white", xlab = "Wind Speed (MPH)")
> abline(v = median(posterior_sample))
> abline(v = ybar, lty = 3)
> median(posterior_sample)
[1] 10.00324
> quantile(x = posterior_sample, probs = c(0.025, 0.975)) ## confidence intervals
2.5% 97.5%
9.958984 10.047404
In this analysis, the researcher (you) can say that given data + prior information, your estimate of average wind, using the 50th percentile, speeds should be 10.00324, greater than simply using the average from the data. You also obtain a full distribution, from which you can extract a 95% credible interval using the 2.5 and 97.5 quantiles.
Below I include two references, I highly recommend reading Casella's short paper. It's specifically aimed at empirical Bayes methods, but explains the general Bayesian methodology for Normal models.
Casella, G. (1985). An Introduction to Empirical Bayes Data Analysis. The American Statistician, 39(2), 83-87.
Gelman, A. (2004). Bayesian data analysis (2nd ed., Texts in statistical science). Boca Raton, Fla.: Chapman & Hall/CRC.