My typical spiel about $R^2$ seems to apply here. Below, I give a standard definition of $R^2$.
y_i-\hat y_i
\right)^2}^{\text{Square loss of your model}}
y_i-\bar y
\right)^2}_{\text{Square loss of the baseline model}}
The fraction numerator is the square loss incurred by your model. The fraction denominator is the square loss incurred by a baseline model that always predicts the overall mean $\hat y$.
However, nothing says that we have to use such a model as the baseline to which we compare our performance. Sure, that might be a reasonable “must-beat” level of performance, but if we know our competitor to be able to achieve some level of performance and need to be able to do better than that to get any business, then that sure sounds “must beat” performance.
In fact, when you run a chunk test of nested models (such as a fairly routine ANCOVA test of a categorical variable), you are comparing the performance of your full model to a model that is reduced but perhaps not reduced all the way to predicting the same value every time, so this idea even seems to exist in the canon of standard statistical analysis!
While I would have major reservations about calling such a statistic $R^2$, it seems to be quite aligned with standard statistics ideas to calculate as below:
Performance of your model
Benchmark performance
I would use a similar argument about reduction in error rate (reduction in MSE, reduction in MAE, etc) as I discuss here. This relates to the Gneiting/Resin (2023) $R^*$ that I've posted about lately, such as here and here.
Gneiting, Tilmann, and Johannes Resin. "Regression diagnostics meets forecast evaluation: Conditional calibration, reliability diagrams, and coefficient of determination." Electronic Journal of Statistics 17.2 (2023): 3226-3286.