I need to find the model over a period of length t. This is what I've done:
Based on the Bayes' theorem, the relationship between the prior, the posterior, and the likelihood function is $p(\theta|x) = \frac{p(x|\theta)p(\theta)}{\int p(x|\theta^{`})p(\theta^{`})}$.
Before computing the posterior $p(\lambda|x)$ with prior $g(\lambda;r,\alpha) = \frac{\alpha^{r} \lambda^{r-1} e^{-\lambda\alpha}}{\Gamma(r)}$ and Poisson pmf $p(x|\lambda(t))= \frac{e^{{-\lambda}t}(\lambda*t)^x }{x!}$
After canceling some terms in the numerator and denominator, $p(\lambda(t)|x)= \frac{ (\alpha+t)^{r+x} \lambda^{r+x-1} e^{-\lambda(\alpha+t)}}{\Gamma(r+x)} = Gamma(\lambda; r + x, \alpha+t)$.
Now we know that $E[X(t)] = \frac{r+x}{\alpha+t}$. However I am trying to calculate: $E[X(t^∗+t)−X(t)|X(t)]$ and not sure how to approach this problem.