The example below is taken from the lectures in shows that the result is the sum of the element-by-element product (or "element-wise multiplication". The red numbers represent the weights in the filter:
$(1*1)+(1*0)+(1*1)+(0*0)+(1*1)+(1*0)+(0*1)+(0*0)+(1*1) = 1+0+1+0+1+0+0+0+1 = 4 $
HOWEVER, most resources say that it's the dot product that's used:
"…we can re-express the output of the neuron as , where is the bias term. In other words, we can compute the output by y=f(x*w) where b is the bias term. In other words, we can compute the output by performing the dot product of the input and weight vectors, adding in the bias term to produce the logit, and then applying the transformation function."
Buduma, Nikhil; Locascio, Nicholas. Fundamentals of Deep Learning: Designing Next-Generation Machine Intelligence Algorithms (p. 8). O'Reilly Media. Kindle Edition.
"We take the 5*5*3 filter and slide it over the complete image and along the way take the dot product between the filter and chunks of the input image. For every dot product taken, the result is a scalar."
"Each neuron receives some inputs, performs a dot product and optionally follows it with a non-linearity."
"The result of a convolution is now equivalent to performing one large matrix multiply, X_col), which evaluates the dot product between every filter and every receptive field location."
However, when I research how to compute the dot product of matrics, it seems that the dot product is not the same as summing the element-by-element multiplication. What operation is actually used (element-by-element multiplication or the dot product?) and what is the primary difference?
Hadamard product
between the selected area and convolution kernel. $\endgroup$