I have some count data pertaining to number of events observed among independent trials in 3 groups of an experiment:
count A B C
0 5 0 5
1 1 25 9
2 9 30 10
3 3 15 8
4 4 13 9
5 4 13 5
6 1 6 8
7 2 4 6
8 0 10 1
9 4 5 2
10 0 5 3
A Kruskal-Wallis test leads me to conclude that the distribution of numbers of events observed does not differ significantly between groups. However, I'd also like to know whether getting a specific event count is statistically more likely in the different groups. In particular I'm interested in event counts of zero or 1. For example, an event count of 1 is proportionately much more likely in group B compared with groups A or C. I'd like to test for the significance of this.
I have looked at using a chi-squared test to compare proportions between groups for a specific outcome but believe this may be invalid due to low frequencies of observation (<5) for some numbers of events. In this case, would R's prop.test
be more suitable?
EDIT: post updated to make data easy to copy-and-paste
library(coin); chisq_test(Table, distribution=approximate(B=100000))
. For a visual:library(lattice); histogram(~Counts.f | Group, data = All, layout = c(1,3), col="gray")