I'm currently working on my master thesis and I'm analysing attributes obtained from digital elevation models (DEMs). I try to compare two point sets for which I extracted altitude values from two DEM rasters with different resolution.
Long story short: I conduct a Wilcoxon signed-rank test on the two attributes (no normal distribution and paired sample). Now, the boxplots look extremely similar and the mean values show a difference of about one meter. I already learned that the significance is highly sensitive to large n and therefore, I'm focusing on the effect size. I'd expect a low effect size, due to the similar boxplots and mean values. However, as the shift is really one-sided, the effect size ($Z/\sqrt{n}$) is getting rather large, even though the two sets are actually pretty similar.
I know, that these tests are designed to find even smallest differences and it achieves this goal, as there is a one-directional shift. Even though there is a difference, it is rather small and I'm looking for an effect size which considers this. In other words, it should be normalized not only by sample size but also attribute range.
Is there an effect size measure that considers the range of the attribute?
Here is some R code that illustrates this behavior with simulated data:
# install.packages("coin")
a <- runif(1000,900,1100)
b <- a+runif(1000,0,1)
wilcoxsign_test(a ~ b)
-27.393/sqrt(length(a)) # Z-score/sqrt(n)
diff <- c(a - b)
diff <- diff[ diff!=0 ]
diff.rank <- rank(abs(diff))
diff.rank.sign <- diff.rank * sign(diff)
W <- sum(diff.rank.sign)
Z <- W/sqrt((1000*1001*2001)/6)
d = stack(list(a=a, b=b))
boxplot(values~ind, d)