Reading a methodology for reporting plant/seedling survival I found the following statement:
In small plantations or very small strata (1 to 3 hectares) the sampling error size is usually high and, therefore, a higher number of sampling sites is needed to obtain representative estimations (Spittler, 1995)
My question is, why is sampling error size high in smaller plantations/populations? I'm hoping for an answer with a real-world example (not mathematical definitions); I've found this to be in agreement with sample size estimates, where sample size is not linearly related to population (evident from the formulas). The rather unavailable/outdated reference is below.
SPITTLER, P. 1995. Guía Técnica para el Inventario Rápido de Bosques Secundarios en la Zona Norte de Costa Rica. COSEFORMA. Alajuela, Costa Rica.