When I really want to understand a measure or parameter, I tend to do the calculation by hand with simplified data. Today I have attempted to do the same with the ICC, but somehow keep failing. I was hoping someone could guide me trough the calculation, which I presumed to be fairly simple. But can't solve it nonetheless.
Consider the following data
Group X
1 4
1 5
1 6
2 8
2 9
2 13
$\sigma^2_u$ = 11.17
$\sigma^2_e$ = 4.00
$\rho = \frac{\sigma^2_u}{\sigma^2_u + \sigma^2_e} = \frac{11.17}{11.17 + 4} = 0.73$
These estimates are derived from the intercept-only model estimated in R using lme4 model.example <- lmer(X ~ 1 + (1|Group), dat.example)
, but I would like to be able estimate these variance components by hand as well.
Thanks in advance!