
My thesis coach wants me to perform a predictive analysis based on OLS. What I understand is the following:

  • divide the dataset into a training set and a holdout set, for instance 50-50
  • perform OLS on the training set
  • construct linear equation based on regression output
  • create a new variable (DV2) in the holdout set, and use the linear equation to calculate its values
  • now you have F (forecasted) and A (actual) DV values in the holdout set
  • calculate the performance of the predictive linear equation with RMSE: enter image description here
  • a lower RMSE is better

Now, some questions about this procedure:

  • Am I doing this right?
  • I have no clue how to have SPSS perform the RSME operation, so can't I just do it in Excel? If I paste the holdout set into Excel, performing this calculation seems easy enough. Is there something I'm missing?
  • If you know how to perform this calculation in SPSS, please let me know because I expect that SPSS might be able to output some extra insightful statistics and / or graphs

1 Answer 1


Compute your random sample definition, e.g.,

compute part = rv.uniform(0,1) <= .5.

Run the regression. Include this subcommand

/SELECT part EQ 1

and this


You can do this by specifying a selection variable in the Regression dialog box and by using the Save subdialog.

Now select the other part of the data, e.g.,

compute holdout = 1 - part.

Run Descriptives on RES_1.

  • $\begingroup$ I dont'quite understand this. I understand that by compuate part, you create a holdout and testset. I already got those. Then you perform OLS on the testset and save the residuals. But then I'm lost. You then just run descriptives on the residuals from the trainingset? $\endgroup$
    – Pr0no
    Commented Aug 27, 2012 at 21:07

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