Let $X \sim N(\mu, \sigma)$ be a uni-dimensional normal variable with the parameters $\mu$, $\sigma$. Given $n$ fixed cut-offs $-\infty < r_0 < \ldots < r_{n-1} < \infty$, I quantify the variable $X$ with the variable $Q$ defined below: $Q = \begin{cases} 0,~\text{if $X \leq r_0$} \\ \ldots \\ i,~\text{if $r_{i-1} < X \leq r_i$} \\ \ldots \\ n,~\text{if $r_{n-1} < X$} \end{cases}$
Consider we have the sample $q$ drawn from $Q$. Let the prior $p(\mu, \sigma)$ to be just Gaussian. I want to get a (possibly approximate) formula for the posterior $p(\mu, \sigma | q)$. E.g. to approximate it with Gaussian $p(\mu, \sigma | q) \sim N(\mu', \sigma')$ with formulas for $\mu'$ and $\sigma'$. Is it possible?