I was trying to fit a GLMM with a binomial distribution (for Yes/No data) in R, and kept running into convergence warnings, which seemed founded given the similar SE's and p-values for the different predictors in the model. After a bit of trial-and-error, I was able to fit this model by specifying BOBYQA as the optimizer for both parts and increasing the maximum number of iterations to 1000.
glmer(DCyn ~ Hc + Tc + Cc + Mc + (1|ID),
data=data, control = glmerControl(optimizer
= "bobyqa",
optCtrl = list(maxfun=2e4)))
However, a colleague suggested that I should try running the model with a quasi-binomial distribution. I had no problems fitting my original model with a quasi-binomial distribution (i.e., without change anything in control), so now I'm wondering which model is most appropriate for the data.
Normally, I would compare AICs between the two models, but I'm unsure how to do this with a quasi-binomial model (and whether the qAIC is comparable with the AIC from the binomial model). Any thoughts? Or is there a better way to compare these models?
just fits a Gaussian linear model, which is not at all appropriate for you binary data. You need to specify thefamily
argument. No wonder you have convergence problems. Second, you ask how to compare two models, but you have given R code only for one model. What is the second model you have fitted exactly? $\endgroup$