Let's say I have a survey with questions 1 through 10 about different characteristics of animals rated from 1 to 10 and this is repeated for 5 different animals.
Suppose I collect 50 surveys so my data looks something like:
Person Question Animal Rating
1 P1 Q1 Dog 7
2 P1 Q1 Rabbit 3
3 P1 Q1 Cat 6
4 P1 Q1 Horse 3
5 P1 Q1 Hamster 5
6 P1 Q2 Dog 8
7 P1 Q2 Rabbit 5
8 P1 Q2 Cat 6
9 P1 Q2 Horse 3
10 P1 Q2 Hamster 7
Where Q1 could be something like: How cute is this animal? Q2: How strong is this animal? And so on…
Is there a way to compare the different types of animals and different questions to see which questions are related to which kinds of animal? This would be in order to find the highs and lows of each kind of animal.
I thought of conducting an ANOVA but this does not allow me to test for pairwise comparisons between each animal within each question.
From my data, I can see that there is a significant interaction between the questions and animals but can’t decipher which animals within each question differ from one another – as the data is always compared against a base factor level (e.g. dog in this case).
The interaction between Dog and Q1 might show as significant when the base is Cat, but might not be significant when Rabbit is the reference level for example. And I don't think it would be valid to conduct many ANOVAs with different reference levels.
Is there a way to get a contrast matrix with the differences between each kind of animal for each question and their respective statistical significance?
Thanks in advance