Let's say I have one collection of machines (made by manufacturer 1). These machines run over a few days and fail at a certain rate. Let's say they run for a total of $h_1$ machine hours and the number of failures are $f_1$. If we assume an exponential distribution, the failure rate can be estimates as $\lambda_1 = f_1/h_1$ failures per hour. Also, the number of failures in an interval $t$ hours is Poisson distributed with rate $\lambda_1 t$.
Now, there is another collection of machines. These run for $h_2$ machine hours and fail $f_2$ times. The failure rate for these is $\lambda_2=f_2/h_2$
I discover that $\lambda_2 > \lambda_1$. But, I want to do a hypothesis test and say how certain I am that the second collection of machines fail at a higher rate than the first. What is the best way to construct such a test?