Let us say I have a model with good predictive performance. The model has a few parameters X1, X2, X3, X4 and predicts Y. I would like to perform some 'what if scenario simulations' using this model by, for example, reducing X3 by 1 and adding 2 to X4 to see what happend with Y.
I was thinking about the following approach
(1) Sample (with replacement?) from my original dataset to obtain SampleData and obtain a prediction called Old given my model.
(2) I would then apply:
SampleData$X3 <- SampleData$X3 - 1
SampleData$X4 <- SampleData$X4 + 2
and obtain a prediction called New given my model.
I would repeat (1) and (2) a few thousand times. I could then draw the distributions of Old and New and see, for example, if New is significantly greater than Old.
I guess this is bootstrapping of my model? Does this make sense? Could I get CIs for this (e.g. the difference between Old and New)?
represents in real life, there is no guarantee that your model has captured the effect of an intervention like that unless the data you used to train the model also contains that intervention. $\endgroup$