I am trying to derive the Bayes estimator. Without getting into the nuts and bolts of the question, basically I have an indicator loss function of the form
$$L(\delta , \theta) = \mathbb{1}\{A\}$$
For an event $A$. I found that $EL(\delta,\theta |X)$ is minimized for almost all $X$ when $\delta$ is a function solely of the hyperparameters of $\theta$'s prior distribution. A theorem in my textbook then implies that such a $\delta$ is the bayes estimator of $\theta$.
On the one hand this seems ridiculous, but then again I figure such a result might be correct since we have a somewhat strange loss function.
I can go into the details of the problem if needed.
To clarify. We have the posterior distribution $\theta | X$ as being a truncated $N(\mu, \sigma^2)$ distribution truncated below at $\max_i X_i$. I want to derive the Bayes estimator under the loss function
$$L_\epsilon (\theta, \delta) = 1 - 1 \{ \delta - \epsilon \leq \theta \leq \delta + \epsilon \}$$
To find the $\delta$ that minimizes this, clearly it is equivalent to find the $\delta$ that maximizes
$$E 1 \{ \delta - \epsilon \leq \theta \leq \delta + \epsilon \}$$
There is also a theorem in my textbook that says it is enough to show that $\delta$ minimizes $E[L(\theta, \delta)|X]$ for almost all $X$ for it to be a Bayes estimator. So to find the Bayes estimator I tried to find the $\delta$ that maximizes
$$E [1 \{ \delta - \epsilon \leq \theta \leq \delta + \epsilon \}|X] = P(\delta - \epsilon \leq \theta \leq \delta + \epsilon | X)$$
Since we know the posterior distribution of $\theta$ is truncated normal we can work with this probability. From here I used the CDF of the truncated normal distribution $F$ given on the Wikipedia page to find the $\delta$ that minimizes
$$F(\delta + \epsilon) - F(\delta - \epsilon)$$
and using $$\frac{d\Phi (f(\delta))}{d\delta} = f'(\delta) \phi(f(\delta))$$ I found was that this is maximized when
$$\delta = \mu$$
which does not depend on $X$ at all. So I'm pretty sure I'm making a stupid mistake, or have misunderstood how to find Bayes estimators.