I have performed an exploratory factor analysis on a large data set as a dimension reduction technique. I have come up with 20 factors that group together my predictor variables. However, I am not sure how to extract those factors, put them into a data frame and use those factors as more predictors for regression or some other kind of analysis. Any kind of help on how to use those factors in a further analysis would be helpful and any reading on the matter would be appreciated.
I am using R and the fa() function in the psych package for my factor analysis.
Below is my code that may be helpful.
cor <- cor(ads[,c(2:25,79,80)], use = "complete.obs")
solution <- fa(r = cor, nfactors = 3, rotate = "oblimin", fm = "minres")
print(solution$loadings, cutoff = 0.3)
data(mtcars); head(mtcars)uls <- fa(as.matrix(mtcars),4,rotate="varimax") ;