I have a trained model, a GradientBoostingClassifier. My dataset is 60 thousand something rows of data that I've split into 66/33 train/test sets. Scoring the model via the .score()
method or via sklearn.metrics.roc_auc_score()
returns quite reasonable scores:
In: gbc.score(x_test, y_test)
Out: 0.8958226221079691
In: roc_auc_score(y_test, gbc.predict(x_test))
Out: 0.8899345768861056
That 'aint so bad. However when I use cross_val_score
I'm getting a substantially lower value:
In: scores = cross_val_score(gbc, df, target, cv=10, scoring='roc_auc')
In: scores.mean()
Out: 0.5646406271571536
The documentation for cross_val_score says by default it uses the default .score method of the model you're using, but that passing a value to the "scoring" parameter can alter that. I've tried both but am somehow getting results that are quite wildly different from both the default .score
method and from the roc_auc_score
method that I assume cross_val_score
uses when I pass scoring='roc_auc'
I could understand why this might be the case if I had used GridSearchCV to tune the hyper parameters of the model; in that case I would assume that I've overfit it to the testing set of data. However:
1) I haven't done any tuning at all, it's literally using default parameters
2) I tried to test this by running the following:
val_scores = []
test_scores = []
for x in range(10):
x_train, x_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(
x_train, x_val, y_train, y_val = train_test_split(x_train, y_train, test_size=0.5)
gbc = GradientBoostingClassifier()
gbc.fit(x_train, y_train)
test_scores.append(gbc.score(x_test, y_test))
val_scores.append(gbc.score(x_val, y_val))
And the scores on both the test and val slices are north of 0.89. There's no random_state in play here so I would expect train_test_split to be slicing randomly enough that any accidental overfitting based on the default parameters of the model really ought to be negated.
So; why might cross_val_score be reporting scores significantly lower than either .score or roc_auc_score?