Some additional steps are necessary other than simply calculating the inverse. The actual steps are the following:
- Step 1: Get the negative of the matrix of partial correlations;
- Step 2: Set all the values in the diagonal of this new matrix to 1;
- Step 3: Calculate the inverse of this matrix (i.e., the modified matrix of partial correlations where all the off-diagonal elements have the inverse sign of the original matrix of partial correlations);
- Step 4: Scale the resulting inverse.
Below I present a reproducible example with R:
# Set seed for reproducibility
# Randomly sample the original random correlation matrix
R <- cov2cor(rWishart(n=1, df=6, Sigma=diag(5))[,,1])
# Get the partial correlation matrix using the "partial.r" function of the psych package
Rho <- psych::partial.r(R)
# Do the steps described above
# Step 1: Get the negative of the of matrix of partial correlations
temp <- -Rho
# Step 2: Set all the values in the diagonal of this new matrix to 1
diag(temp) <- 1
# Step 3: Calculate the inverse of the matrix
inv <- solve(temp)
# Step 4: Scale the resulting inverse
R_rec <- cov2cor(inv)
# Check if the solution is correct
# Due to computer precision, the matrices will not be identical, but
# you can round the results to your machine's precision and check
# that the procedure works as it should
round(R, .Machine$double.eps) == round(R_rec, .Machine$double.eps)