I have created a standard OLS regression model to estimate the House Price and one group of variables describe the age group percentage of population in a particular neighborhood (ranging 0 to 100).
These variables are the percentage of the population in a particular neighborhood, belonging to an age group. For example Neighborhood Age 0-14 value of 23 would mean that there is 23% of people in a neighborhood, who are between 0-14 years old. The variables are presented below:
- Neighborhood Age 0-14 %
- Neighborhood Age 15-24 %
- Neighborhood Age 25-44 %
- Neighborhood Age 44-64 %
- Neighborhood Age >64 %
Now I know that since these are percentage values, I have to remove at least one of them due to perfect linear dependence, for example: Neighborhood Age 0-14 % = 1 - SUM(All of the other age %)
I have removed the Neighborhood Age >64 % variable and estimated the coefficients. The estimated coefficients for each variable are this (House price has been log-transformed so interpretation is ${\Delta}P\% = {\beta}_{i} * {\Delta}X_i\%$):
- Intercept: 11.1917
- Neighborhood Age 0-14 %: 0.0229
- Neighborhood Age 15-24 %: 0.0121
- Neighborhood Age 25-44 %: 0.0002
- Neighborhood Age 44-64 %: 0.008
As I removed one of the variables, how would I now interpret the Neighborhood Age >64 % effect on House Price? Note that these are continuous variables ranging 0-100.