
Assume there is a series of random variables $X_1$, $X_2$, ..., $X_N$ representing a series of values to be weight-averaged, and a corresponding series of random variables $W_1$, $W_2$, ..., $W_N$ representing the weights themselves.

Let us define the random variable $Z$ to be the result of the weight-average, that is:

$Z = \frac{\sum_i X_i W_i}{\sum_i W_i}$

If we assume that all the random variables are independent, and we know that expected value and variance of all the random variables (other than $Z$), is it possible to calculate the expected value and variance of $Z$ analytically?

My intuition tells me that $E[Z] = \frac{\sum_i E[X_i] E[W_i]}{\sum_i E[W_i]}$, and I have run experiments that suggest this is the case, but I'm unable to prove it.

Is there an analytic solution to calculating $VAR[Z]$ and $E[Z]$?

  • $\begingroup$ Is there any restriction on the distribution of the random variables? Are they all normally distributed for example? I'm not sure this will affect the answer but it might be helpful to know. $\endgroup$ Commented Jun 13, 2019 at 4:08
  • $\begingroup$ It's safe to assume that all the variables are normally distributed about their means. $\endgroup$ Commented Jun 13, 2019 at 5:03

2 Answers 2


The intuitive formula is not generally correct. I will put off presenting a counterexample until we have performed enough analysis to find a simple one.


$$\frac{\sum_i X_i W_i}{\sum_j W_j} = \sum_i X_i \left(\frac{W_i}{\sum_j W_j}\right).$$

Write $S_W = \sum W_i$ for the sum of the weights. Linearity of expectation and independence of $X_i$ from the $W_j$ imply

$$E\left[\frac{\sum_i X_i W_i}{\sum_j W_j}\right] = \sum_i E\left[X_i \left(\frac{W_i}{S_W}\right)\right] = \sum_i E[X_i]E\left[\frac{W_i}{S_W}\right].$$

That is as far as you can generally take it.

However, often weights sum to unity: that will make $S_W$ disappear from the final expression. Moreover, in many cases the $W_i$ are identically distributed. No matter whether $S_W$ is constant or not, for any $i$ we find

$$1 = E[1] = E\left[\frac{W_1+W_2+\cdots+W_n}{W_1+W_2+\cdots+W_n}\right] = E\left[\frac{W_1}{S_W} + \frac{W_2}{S_W} + \cdots + \frac{W_n}{S_W}\right] = n E\left[\frac{W_i}{S_W}\right],$$

showing that

$$E\left[\frac{W_i}{S_W}\right] = \frac{1}{n},\ i = 1,2,\ldots, n.$$

In effect, when the weights are identically distributed, then whether they are independent or not, the expectation of the weighted mean of the $X_i$ is the mean of the expectations of the $X_i$ (provided only that the $X_i$ are independent of the $W_j$).

Another special case occurs when the $X_i$ have a common mean, say $\mu$ (which occurs when the $X_i$ are iid). Now the expectation formula reduces to

$$\sum_i E[X_i]E\left[\frac{W_i}{S_W}\right] = \mu\sum_i E\left[\frac{W_i}{S_W}\right] = \mu E\left[\frac{\sum_i W_i}{S_W}\right] = \mu E[1] = \mu.$$

You could try a similar approach with the variance, which requires computing the expectation of the square of the original fraction. Writing

$$\omega_i = \frac{W_i}{\left(\sum_j W_j\right)^2},$$

you will find (upon expanding the square of the sum into a double sum of products) that

$$E\left[\left(\frac{\sum_i X_i W_i}{\sum_j W_j} \right)^2\right] = \sum_{i,j} E[X_iX_j]\, E[\omega_i\omega_j].$$

This is a weighted sum of the expectations $E[X_iX_j]$ that appear in computing the variance of $X_1+X_2+\cdots+X_n.$ However, no simplification is generally possible unless somehow the weights $E[\omega_i\omega_j]$ simplify, such as all being equal (which happens when the weights are iid -- and this time we need them to be uncorrelated). You have seen enough of the relevant algebra here to be able to carry it out yourself in such special cases.

We're ready for a counterexample. The smallest possible one will involve four independent variables $X_1,X_2,W_1,W_2;$ the $X_i$ should not have the same means; and (for similar reasons) the $W_i$ should not have the same means.

Consider, then, binary variables with equal probabilities of each value. Let the possible values of $X_1$ be $\{0,1\},$ of $X_2$ be $\{0,2\},$ of $W_1$ be $\{1-\alpha,\alpha\},$ and of $W_2$ be $\{1-\beta,\beta\}$ for $0\lt \alpha,\beta\le 1/2.$ To make the $W_i$ as different as possible, let's select two extreme values; say, $\alpha\approx 0$ and $\beta = 1/2.$

The calculation is straightforward. The intuitive formula in the question, $E[Z] \overset{?}{=} \frac{\sum_i E[X_i] E[W_i]}{\sum_i E[W_i]},$ gives $3/4,$ but in fact $E[Z]\approx 5/6 \ne 3/4.$ Here is R code to carry it out.

a <- 1e-15
b <- 1/2
X <- expand.grid(X1=c(0,1), X2=c(0,2), W1=c(1-a,a), W2=c(1-b,b))
X$Z = with(X, (X1 * W1 + X2 * W2) / (W1 + W2))
E.z <- with(X, mean(Z))
F.z <- with(X, (mean(X1) * mean(W1) + mean(X2) * mean(W2)) / (mean(W1) + mean(W2)))
(c(Expectation = E.z, `Formula?` = F.z))

Its output is

Expectation    Formula? 
  0.8333333   0.7500000
  • $\begingroup$ In the general case, it may be advisable to apply the delta method to come up with a good (useful) approximation of $E[W_i/S_W]$. The results in the following note could be used for this: stat.cmu.edu/~hseltman/files/ratio.pdf Do you think it would be worthwhile to write this out in an answer? $\endgroup$ Commented Sep 25 at 16:40
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ @StijnDeVuyst I see how that could be useful. What is apparent from the counterexample, which is typical of others I have considered, is that even the simplified (but not quite correct) formula in the question is likely a close approximation. Thus, I expect that the delta method could yield accurate results for most situations and help reveal when it's needed and when one can just go ahead and use a simple approximation. $\endgroup$
    – whuber
    Commented Sep 25 at 17:05

If your two random variables $W_i$ and $X_i$ are independent, then from the law of total expectation the expectation of the product of two random variables is the product of their expectations, eg $E[X_i W_i] = E[X_i] E[W_i]$.

As for the Variance, this is defined in terms of the square of the variable, eg:

$$ \text{Var}(Z_i) = E[Z_i^2] - E[Z_i]^2 $$


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