One of the difficulties of departing from the original measurement scale to find a suitable test is figuring out
how to understand results on an unfamiliar, possibly unintuitive,
measurement scale. If you get a suitably small P-value, then
you can assert that there are significant differences among
groups, but it can be difficult to assess whether these differences are large enough (on some scale) to be of practical interest.
Your sample sizes 27, 26, and 23 are modest, but
it is worthwhile, as suggested by @jbowman, to investigate whether the Welch ANOVA (which
does not assume equal variances) finds significant differences,
and if so, what that means.
Simulated data. Below I generate fake data for three groups, in which subjects have somewhat different probabilities of choosing the various Likert values on a particular question. Specifically, responses 1 through 5 have proportions as follows--increasingly likely to choose higher values as we go from Group 1, to 2, to 3. (We could turn the 'proportions' into probabilities by dividing by 14, but it is not necessary to do so.)
p1 = c(1,3,5,3,2)
p2 = c(1,2,3,5,3)
p3 = c(1,1,2,5,5)
Then the Likert scores are generated in R as shown:
set.seed(1234) # for reproducibility
x1 = sample(1:5, 27, rep=T, prob=p1)
x2 = sample(1:5, 26, rep=T, prob=p2)
x3 = sample(1:5, 23, rep=T, prob=p3)
x = c(x1,x2,x3)
g = as.factor(c(rep(1,27),rep(2,26),rep(3,23)))
For an overview of these data, here are boxplots of the groups with red dots showing group means.
boxplot(x ~ g, col="skyblue2")
points(1:3, c(mean(x1), mean(x2), mean(x3)),
pch=19, col="red")
A stripchart shows the individual Likert scores. (Points have been 'jittered', randomly displaced vertically, to avoid plotting them directly on top of each other.)
stripchart(x ~ g, pch=20, meth="jit", jit=.2)
points(c(mean(x1), mean(x2), mean(x3)), 1:3, col="red", pch="x")
Group sample means differ and group sample variances also differ somewhat.
mean(x1); mean(x2); mean(x3)
[1] 3.407407
[1] 3.692308
[1] 4.173913
var(x1); var(x2); var(x3)
[1] 0.7891738
[1] 1.181538
[1] 0.9683794
So, it seems that I have simulated 'Likert' data with some differences in means among the groups. The question now is
whether differences are large enough to rise significantly
above the random noise.
Welch ANOVA. The Welch ANOVA test, implemented in R by the procedure onesample.test
does not require equal variances.
The null hypothesis is that group population means are equal
$H_0: \mu_1 = \mu_2 = \mu_3$ and the alternative is that they are not all equal. The null hypothesis is rejected at the 5% level because the P-value $0.023 < 0.05.$
oneway.test(x ~ g)
One-way analysis of means
(not assuming equal variances)
data: x and g
F = 4.068, num df = 2.000, denom df = 47.559,
p-value = 0.02339
It seems realistic to say that $\mu_1 < \mu_3,$ but one cannot say whether $\mu_2$ differs significantly from $\mu_1$ or from $\mu_3.$ Ad hoc Welch 2-sample t tests do not find significant differences:
t.test(x1,x2)$p.val; t.test(x2,x3)$p.val
[1] 0.3023305
[1] 0.1102826
One issue remains: The Likert data are not normal, and it is
reasonable to wonder whether the 'F-statatistic' of the Welch
ANOVA truly has the assumed distribution--or close enough to
the assumed distribution in the tail where we compute P-values.
Permutation test. One way to answer this question is with a permutation test.
We randomly re-assign the scores of the 76 subjects in the three groups to see how that affects the F-statistic. (R code for the random scrambling is sample(g)
.) If we do this many times, we can get a good idea what the true distribution of the F-statistic under the null hypothesis is.
This is called a permutation test, using Welch's F as 'metric'. The result for our data is that the P-value of the permutation test is essentially identical to the P-value of Welch's F-test.
m=10^5; d=numeric(m)
f.obs = oneway.test(x ~ g)$stat
f = replicate(m, oneway.test(x ~ sample(g))$stat)
mean(f > f.obs)
[1] 0.02404
Each random scrambling during the permutation test had a slightly different number of denominator degrees of freedom.
So the simulated F-distribution is a mixture of F-distributions.
Nevertheless, we notice that the simulated distribution of F is not far from the distribution $\mathsf{F}(2,48)$ of Welch's ANOVA.
hist(f, br=40, prob=T, col="skyblue2",
main="Simulated Dist'n of F")
curve(df(x, 2, 48), add=T, lwd=2, col="red")
Notes: (1) The Welch ANOVA has become popular relatively recently. So its behavior for nonnormal data is perhaps not fully understood. In my own experience, the Welch ANOVA has worked well for sample sizes around two dozen, even if data are discrete, and there are a few outliers. (2) As shown above, the permutation test is programmed in a way that is easy to write, and I hope to understand. However, this code runs slowly. I would not
run it again for every one of your Likert items. If you have doubts about the Welch ANOVA in a few specific cases, you might try permutation tests for the relevant data.