In a Gamma GLM, the statistical model for each observation 𝑖 is assumed to be $Y_i \sim Gamma(shape, scale)$, where $E(Y_i) = \mu_i = f(X_i\beta)$, and $f$ is the link function.
I've used MLE to estimate $\hat{\beta}$ and $\hat{scale}$, and wish to produce a 90% prediction interval on a new point $Y'$ given $X'$.
I can produce the confidence intervals on $E(Y|X') = \mu'$ by using link function $f$ on the normally distributed confidence intervals for $X\hat{\beta}$. Let's say $\hat{\mu'} = 10$ and 90% confidence intervals are [5, 30].
However, we want the intervals from the distribution of $Y'$, not $\mu'$. Intuitively, these intervals should be much wider than the confidence intervals for $\mu'$ I think they should also be wider than the 5th and 95th percentile of a single Gamma distribution with $\mu=\hat{\mu'}$, since the uncertainty around $\hat{\mu'}$ should translate into increased uncertainty around the final distribution, sort of like an vague prior on a bayesian posterior distribution.
What is the correct way to model prediction intervals on the new point $Y'$?
The below schema shows how uncertainty on $\mu'$ translates into many possible gamma distributions and a wide prediction interval for $Y'$