Reposting from here
I am implementing a two-stage logistic regression customer acquisition model and want to understand the peculiar pattern I observe in the residuals from the DHARMa R package.
The first stage model is a probit model
selection_model <- glm(I(acquired > 0) ~ m * b + l + w + f,
data = aggregate_df,
family = binomial(link = "probit"))
Then I add in the inverse mills ratio like so:
aggregate_df$IMR = dnorm(selection_model$linear.predictors)/pnorm(selection_model$linear.predictors)
The second stage model shares the same predictors except that the inverse mills ratio is also added as a predictor. Also, I am interested in looking at those customers who have given a total sales of more than X. This is captured in a binary indicator variable I(dollar_sales > X)
, which is the outcome I model in the second stage.
model_logit <- glm(I(dollar_sales > X) ~ IMR + m * b + l + w + f +
I(f^2) + I(l^2),
data = aggregate_df,
family = binomial(link = "logit"))
I then plot the residuals of this model using the DHARMa package like so:
simulated_residuals = DHARMa::simulateResiduals(model_logit, n = 50)
I have the following questions:
- Why are there two disjoint blobs at the bottom and top of the QQ plot? Is this a cause of concern (as the KS test indicates)?
- The residual vs predicted plot seems okay, barring the outliers. Is this also expected behavior