I was hoping someone could provide clarity surrounding the following scenario. You are asked "What is the expected number of observed heads and tails if you flip a fair coin 1000 times". Knowing that coin flips are i.i.d. events, and relying on the law of large numbers you calculate it to be:
$$N_{heads} = 500 \; N_{tails} = 500$$
Now, let us have observed/realized the first 500 flips to all be heads. We want to know the updated expected number of realizations of the remaining 500 flips. Because the first 500 events have been realized and they do not effect the underlying physical coin flipping process, we know that the expected number of heads and tails of the remaining 500 flips are:
$$N_{heads} = 250 \; N_{tails} = 250$$
So, here is my question/confusion: I understand that each coin flip is independent and that any single individual coin flip has a probability of $\frac{1}{2}$ coming up heads. However, based on the law of large numbers we know that the (if we value tails as 0 and heads as 1) mean of the tosses will approach $0.5$ as the number of tosses approaches $\infty$. So, based on that, if we have observed 500 heads in a row, why do we not statistically expect to realize more tails going forward? I fully realize the following thought is incorrect, but it feels like we are (statistically) due for a tails and that the probability of tails should be raised and heads lowered. Since this is not the case, it feels as though this is conflicting with the original expectation of $N_{heads} = 500$ and $N_{tails} = 500$.
Again, I realize that this thinking is incorrect, but I am hoping someone can help me understand why this past information (500 realizations of heads in a row) does not provide any new, updated information that updates the probability for the remaining flips? Clearly the coin does not know that it just came up heads $500$ times, so is the correct way to think about this that the law of large numbers doesn't imply that in the following 500 flips tails is more likely, but rather that as $N \rightarrow \infty$ we expect 50% of realizations to be heads and 50% to be tails. In which case my error in reasoning is based on applying a limit theorem that applies in the asymptote to a preasymptotic situation?
I also feel like this has to deal with a bit of confusion between single events (a single coin toss coming up heads), and the collective action of a set of events (1000 coin tosses) that exhibit nonrandom properties. After searching I came across a wonderful quote by Kolmogorov$^1$:
"In reality, however, the epistemological value of the theory of probability is revealed only by limit theorems. ... In fact, all epistemological value of the theory of probability is based on this: that large-scale random phenomena in their collective action create strict, nonrandom regularity. The very concept of mathematical probability would be fruitless if it did not find its realization in the frequency of occurrence of events under large-scale repetition and uniform conditions."
I believe this quote clears up some of my confusion, but if anyone could elaborate on why realizations (based on a known statistical process) cannot be used to update subsequent probabilities, I would greatly appreciate it!
- B. V. Gnedenko and A. N. Kolmogorov: Limit distributions for sums of independent random variables. Addison-Wesley Mathematics Series