I was wondering if the graphical methods can be used instead of formal tests such as Cramer-Von Mises test as the GOF for copulas?
The scatter plot of pseudo-observations is as follows:
The Q-Q plot of non-parametric Kendall's tau distribution versus the parametric distribution of fitted copulas (Gumbel, Clayton, Frank, and Joe) is shown as follows.
It seems that the Joe copula is suitable for the dataset. Also the contour plot of fitted Joe copula overlaid the contour plot of the empirical copula shows the suitability of this copula in defining the bivariate distribution of the dataset compared with the other copulas.
As Joe copula is more suitable in expressing the empirical copula, I also compared the scatter plot of pseudo-observations with the generated random numbers of Joe copula:
Now, based on these graphical methods can we choose the Joe copula as the suitable form of copula for my dataset?
I appreciate any advise.