The approach mentioned by @huber is probably what you need for this particular random variable.
Here is how to perform a 2nd order Taylor series approximation (using Mathematica as your other questions indicate you use this software).
(* Function of interest *)
f = Sqrt[(x[2] x[6] - x[3] x[5])^2 + (x[3] x[4] - x[1] x[6])^2 + (x[1] x[5] - x[2] x[4])^2];
(* Make a conversion to get Mathematica to do the desired 2nd order Taylor series *)
(* Technique from *)
f = f /. x[i_] -> (z[i] - \[Mu][i]) t + \[Mu][i];
(* Get 2nd order Taylor series *)
taylor = (Series[f, {t, 0, 2}] // Normal) /. t -> 1 // Expand;
(* Take expectation of Taylor series *)
(* Convert z[i]^2 to \[Sigma]^2 + \[Mu][i]^2 *)
mean = taylor //. z[i_]^2 -> \[Sigma]^2 + \[Mu][i]^2;
(* Convert z[i] to \[Mu][i] *)
mean = FullSimplify[mean //. z[i_] -> \[Mu][i]]
$$\frac{\left(\mu_1^2+\mu_2^2+\mu_3^2+\mu_4^2+\mu_5^2+\mu_6^2\right) \sigma^2+2 \left(\left(\mu_5^2+\mu_6^2\right) \mu_1^2-2 \mu_3 \mu_4 \mu_6 \mu_1+\mu_3^2 \left(\mu_4^2+\mu_5^2\right)-2 \mu_2 \mu_5 (\mu_1 \mu_4+\mu_3 \mu_6)+\mu_2^2 \left(\mu_4^2+\mu_6^2\right)\right)}{2 \sqrt{\left(\mu_5^2+\mu_6^2\right) \mu_1^2-2 \mu_3 \mu_4 \mu_6 \mu_1+\mu_3^2 \left(\mu_4^2+\mu_5^2\right)-2 \mu_2 \mu_5 (\mu_1 \mu_4+\mu_3 \mu_6)+\mu_2^2 \left(\mu_4^2+\mu_6^2\right)}}$$
And if we let
$$g=\sqrt{(\mu_2 \mu_6-\mu_3 \mu_5)^2+(\mu_3 \mu_4+\mu_1 \mu_6)^2+(\mu_1 \mu_5-\mu_2 \mu_4)^2}$$
(which is the form of the random variable of interest but with the respective means plugged in), then the approximate mean can be written as
$$g+\frac{\left(\mu_1^2+\mu_2^2+\mu_3^2+\mu_4^2+\mu_5^2+\mu_6^2\right) \sigma^2}{2 g}$$ this approximation precise enough? Here's an example.
(* Set mean of x[1],...,x[6] *)
xMeans = {1, 2, 3, 3, 7, 5};
\[Mu]Values = Thread[{\[Mu][1], \[Mu][2], \[Mu][3], \[Mu][4], \[Mu][5], \[Mu][6]} -> xMeans]
(* Get a variance satisfying the OP's restriction *)
\[Sigma]X = 0.01 Min[1^2 + 2^2 + 3^2, 3^2 + 7^2 + 5^2]^0.5
(* 0.0374166 *)
(* 2nd order Taylor approximation to mean *)
mean /. \[Mu]Values /. \[Sigma] -> \[Sigma]X
(* 11.7531 *)
(* Estimation of mean by simulations *)
n = 10000;
xbar = 0;
Do[xx = RandomVariate[NormalDistribution[0, 1], 6];
xx = xMeans + \[Sigma]X*xx;
xbar = xbar +
Sqrt[(xx[[2]] xx[[6]] - xx[[3]] xx[[5]])^2 +
(xx[[3]] xx[[4]] - xx[[1]] xx[[6]])^2 +
(xx[[1]] xx[[5]] - xx[[2]] xx[[4]])^2],
{i, n}]
xbar = xbar/n
(* 11.7543 *)
(* Approximate relative precision *)
(xbar - mean /. \[Mu]Values /. \[Sigma] -> \[Sigma]X)/xbar
(* 0.000103943 *)
If this approximation is not good enough, then you might want to try a higher order Taylor series approximation. Alternatively, finding an approximation for the mean by generating lots of random samples with known values for the parameters is pretty quick, too.