When we have a ratio of random variables, is their expectation/variance defined in the same way? That is, if we want to write out explicitly $E[\frac{X}{Y}]$ where X and Y are random variables, then
$$E[\frac{X}{Y}] = \int_\Omega \frac{X}{Y} p(x,y)dxdy$$
And similarly, is the variance of the ratio also defined the same way: $$V[\frac{X}{Y}] = \int_\Omega [\frac{X}{Y}-\mu_{\frac{x}{y}}]^2 p(x,y)dxdy$$
for some $\mu_{\frac{x}{y}}$?
This is a definitional question, I ask because I have not seen anyone write out the expectation of ratio of random variables explicitly.