p<-glm(GRADE~GPA+TUCE+PSI,family="binomial"(link="probit")); summary(p)
is the probit model
Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept) -7.45231 2.57152 -2.898 0.00376 **
GPA 1.62581 0.68973 2.357 0.01841 *
TUCE 0.05173 0.08119 0.637 0.52406
PSI 1.42633 0.58695 2.430 0.01510 *
If we have mean of TUCE and PSI=1, what is the marginal effect of GPA on Pr(GRADE=1)?
I'm wondering which one of pnorm
and dnorm
is correct to use if you want the marginal effect.