The Jackknife is a resampling method, a predecessor of the Bootstrap, which is useful for estimating the bias and variance of a statistic. This can also be used to apply a "bias correction" to an existing estimator.
Given the estimand $\theta$ and an estimator $\hat\theta \equiv \hat\theta(X_1, X_2, \cdots X_n)$, the Jackknife estimator (with respect to $\hat\theta$) is defined as $$\hat\theta_J = \hat\theta + (n-1)\left(\hat\theta - \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^n\hat\theta_{-i}\right),$$
where the $\hat\theta_{-i}$ terms denote the estimated value ($\hat\theta$) after "holding out" the $i^{th}$ observation.
Let $X_1, X_2, \cdots X_n \stackrel{\text{iid}}{\sim} \text{Unif}(0, \theta)$ and consider the estimator $\hat\theta = X_{(n)}$ (i.e. the maximum value, also the MLE). Note that
$$\hat\theta_{-i} = \begin{cases} X_{(n-1)}, & X_i = X_{(n)} \\[1.2ex] X_{(n)}, & X_i \neq X_{(n)} \end{cases}.$$
Thus the Jackknife estimator here can be written as a linear combination of the two largest values
\begin{align*} \hat\theta_J &= X_{(n)} + \frac{n-1}{n}\left(X_{(n)} - X_{(n-1)}\right) \\[1.3ex] &= \frac{2n-1}{n}X_{(n)} - \frac{n-1}{n} X_{(n-1)}. \end{align*}
What is the bias, variance and mean square error ?