I am analyzing multiple time series data. I want to show there is difference in trend of the data after an event happens, either right after or a bit later, and it is statistically significant. I already know when the event happened.
About time series data
The time series is directly related to the human behavior, so it has multiple seasonal pattern; diurnal pattern, and difference of volume between weekdays and weekend. It would also have increased in long-term (more than 2 ~ 3 years) view, but it does not matter since I am working on 4 ~ 8 weeks. Here I am attaching two sample time series. Each data point represents an hour.
My approach so far
After some searches, I have learned that structural break test would be good for this case. So I tried Chow test and ARIMA model, but neither have been successful. I think the trickiest part is that the problem is containing two different statistical characteristics; I need (1) statistical significance for the causality
in the (2) seasonal time series
. Chow test and ARIMA seem proper for (1), but I have encountered multiple problems.
All questions are somewhat related, but I want to clearly show my concern with the separation.
Basically, I am still not sure what would be the best way to show the statistical significance of an event and its effect in the time series.
Chow test and ARIMA assume the input time series is stationary, but only some data are stationary in Dickey-Fuller test and all of them are seasonal. Can I still use them after the transformation to be stationary (e.g., data point - moving average)? I am worrying about whether the transformation can affect on the original goal - getting statistical significance value.
Simple Chow test seems somehow working, but I am afraid whether the test is still useful to assess the complex non-linear (and seasonal) models.
If ARIMA is okay toward my goal, how can I show the statistical significance of an event with the model? It seems more for forecasting.
Thank you for reading!
with exogenous regressors) and modelling the multiple seasonalities by Fourier terms could help. I am not sure about implementation of Chow-type tests there, but you could add a level shift or some other deterministic pattern via a regressor and test for its significance. $\endgroup$