I have been investigating the details of the Beta distribution and the Binomial distribution and have 2 questions to ask, but first a slight preamble to explain the background to my questions. In the following, I am assuming that the normal parameters for the Beta and Binomial distribution ($\alpha, \beta, n, k$) are positive integers greater than zero, and $x$ is the target probability that we are looking for.
So, in my investigation, I started with the equation for the Beta distribution in the form $Beta(x|\alpha,\beta) = \frac {\Gamma (\alpha +\beta )}{\Gamma (\alpha) \Gamma(\beta )}x^{\alpha-1}(1-x)^{\beta-1} $ and the Binomial distribution in the form $Bin(x|n,k) = {\binom {n}{k}}x^{k}(1-x)^{n-k}$. Then using the fact that $\Gamma(x+1) \equiv x!$, I re-worked the equations for the Beta distribution and the Binomial distribution and came to the following set of four relationships between the two. They are all essentially the same, just expressed in different formats, i.e. going from Beta to Binomial, or Binomial to Beta, and interchanging their normal parameters. To get to the four relationships, the following intermediate relations were derived from the equivalence of the Beta and Binomial distributions:
$\alpha = k + 1; \beta = n - k + 1; n = \alpha + \beta - 2; k = \alpha - 1$
The four relationships are:
- $Beta(x|\alpha,\beta) = Bin(x|\alpha+\beta-2, \alpha-1)*(\beta+\alpha-1)$
- $Beta(x|\alpha, \beta) = Bin(x|n,k) * (n+1)$ where $ n = \alpha + \beta - 2$ and $ k = \alpha - 1$
- $Bin(x|n,k) = \frac{Beta(x|k+1, n-k+1)}{n+1}$
- $Bin(x|n,k) = \frac{Beta(x|\alpha, \beta)}{\alpha+\beta-1}$ where $\alpha = k + 1$ and $\beta = n - k + 1$
I tested these numerically and they agree, at least for the number set I used. As the above description is quite condensed, and I am happy to elaborate on how I reached these conclusions if required.
So my questions are: 1. Is my analysis correct, and the conclusion that the Binomial and Beta distributions are closely linked as shown above? 2. If it is correct, can anyone point me to any references for more detail on these relationships?