I have a question with regard to the implementation of Bang & Robins (2005) double robust estimator of a treatment effect (formula at the bottom of page 964). The idea of their estimator is to estimate the propensity score and then to use the inverse of this propensity score in a regression model.
If I implement the formula as described in the paper, I do not get the correct causal effect (in a simulated example), even if I specify the treatment model (the propensity score model) and the outcome model correctly. Here is a simulated example in R:
# simulate a example:
n <- 10000
s <- matrix( 0.3, 3, 3 ); diag(s) <- 1
X <- mvtnorm::rmvnorm( n, rep(0,3), s ) # the covariates
dfs <- data.frame( X )
# treatment model:
pr <- 1/ ( 1 + exp( - (-1 + 0.3*dfs$X1 + 0.2*dfs$X2 + 0.1*dfs$X3 ) ) )
dfs$D <- rbinom( n, 1, pr )
# outcome model:
dfs$Y <- with( dfs, 0.3*D + 0.2*X1 + 0.2*X2 + 0.2*X3 + rnorm( n, 0, 1 ) )
and here is my code for the formula (I tried to stick to the notation in the paper; D = Delta, V = X = the covariates, pi = p = propensity score):
# propensity scores:
fitPS <- glm( D ~ X1 + X2 + X3, data = dfs, family = binomial("logit") )
dfs$p <- predict( fitPS, data = dfs, type = "response" )
# outcome regression model with weights:
dfs$w <- ifelse( dfs$D == 1, 1/dfs$p, 1/(1-dfs$p) ) # D = 1 = Treatment group, 0 = controls
fitOR <- lm( Y ~ D + X1 + X2 + X3 + w, data = dfs )
# get predicted values (called e in the paper):
D <- dfs$D # save D for later
dfs$D <- 0
E0 <- predict( fitOR, newdata = dfs )
dfs$D <- 1
E1 <- predict( fitOR, newdata = dfs )
# the formula:
dfs$D <- D
dfs$e1 <- ifelse( dfs$D == 1, E1, 0)
dfs$e0 <- ifelse( dfs$D == 0, E0, 0)
mu <- mean(dfs$e1) - mean(dfs$e0)
I get a mu of 0.15 which is half of the true effect.
A side note: In their book Hernan and Robins also suggest this estimator but they say that one has to use 1/prop_score in the treatment group and (-1)*1/(1-prop_score) in the control group for the weights in the regression model above. If I implement this, the estimator is the same (about 0.15).
To be honest, I am confused. I don't understand what I'm doing wrong. Perhaps anyone of you has an idea?
Thanks Stefan