The n'th cumulant is defined to be the n'th derivative of the CGF (cumulant generating function).
$$\kappa_n = \frac{d^n K(t)}{dt^n} |_{t=0} $$
But I'm reading in a book (p.215, chapter5, eq. 5.8) now that for the exponential family / exponential dispersion model, this is actually equal to:
$$ K \underset{exp.}{=} \frac{\kappa(\theta+t\phi) - \kappa(\theta)}{\phi}\\ \kappa_n = \phi^{n-1} \frac{d^n\kappa(\theta)}{d\theta^n} $$
$\theta$ is the canonical/natural parameter in exponential family.
$K$ is cumulant generating function
$\kappa_n$ is the nth cumulant
I'm not really sure how come you get this result. The $\phi^{n-1}$ I understand, but not how the derivative changes from $t$ to $\theta$.