I had this lecture of mathematical statistics about asymptotic normality of MLE. In order to prove this, a series of regularity conditions were stated, and the identifiability condition was among them.
Given a random sample $X=(X_1,...,X_n)$, the identifiability condition was stated like this: $$\mathbb{E}_{\theta_1}[S(\theta_2,X)]=0\iff\theta_1=\theta_2$$where $S(\theta,X)$ is the score function, i.e. $S(\theta,X)=\frac{d}{d\theta}\log L(\theta|X)$, where $L(\theta|X)$ is the likelihood function. However, as far as I know, identifiability condition generally states that: $$L(\theta_1|X)=L(\theta_2|X)\iff\theta_1=\theta_2$$
So, my first question is if there is some kind of relationship or equivalence between these conditions, or if there is any reference to search more about this. And my second question refers to another regularity condition used in the proof, that is the following:
$$\sup_{\theta_2\in\Theta}\left|M(\theta,\theta_2)-\left|\frac{S(\theta_2,X)}{n}\right|\right|=0, M(\theta,\theta_2)=\frac{1}{n}\left|\mathbb{E}_{\theta}[S(\theta_2,X)]\right|$$
Regarding this condition, I think I didn't get some kind of intuition of what it really means, I only know that it is necessary for this particular version of the proof. If someone would be kind to give some reference on this topic or clarify these questions, I would be very grateful.