I'm running a glmer and have a few questions regarding how to interpret the output and how to report it:
it's not clear to me what the main effects are given that they are all in reference to a base category, so probably it is useless to talk about a 'main effect' of X with an associated p-value.
I would like to run further contrasts to the ones report it in the summary output, can I use emmeans()
If I get the p-values that I'm interested in with emmeans, should I report these p-values together with the associated estimate? and how should I report this estimate? is it a Beta?
This is my code:
prob_stat = glmer(cbind(freq_correct, count-freq_correct) ~ 0+impulsivity*ITI +(1|rat_ID), family ="binomial", data= day_1) summary(prob_stat)
MainContrasts<- emmeans(prob_stat, pairwise~ ITI | impulsivity)