I'm using logistic regression in r to examine correlates of experiencing headache (yes(1)/no (0)) when taking a medication. My correlates (all categorical) include:
- number of tablets of the medication (tabs)
- year
- gender
- age
- health district (HD)
- location (home, work, outside)
I have two interaction terms that seem to be significant - Health district (HD) x year, and HD x # of tablets
I ran the model with the interaction terms (see below), and I'm just not sure where to go from here. I know that for the variables involved in the interaction, I can't interpret the ORs as I normally would. Instead, I plotted the tabs by health district and year.. is that enough? When showing my regression table, should I show all of the ORs, but only interpret the ones not involved in interaction?
Thanks in advance for any advice.
Here are the regression results with coefficients exponentiated:
exp(Est.) 2.5% 97.5% P
(Intercept) 0.20 0.01 4.17 0.30
tabs2 2.15 0.36 12.82 0.40
tabs3 0.70 0.05 9.37 0.79
tabs>3 6.66 0.70 63.57 0.10
year2016 0.17 0.01 4.57 0.29
year2017 0.08 0.00 1.35 0.08
year2018 0.06 0.00 1.18 0.06
genderFemale 0.80 0.57 1.11 0.19
genderOther 0.00 0.00 Inf 0.99
genderUnknown 1.16 0.58 2.32 0.67
age19 - 30 2.88 0.65 12.73 0.16
age31 - 60 3.22 0.73 14.10 0.12
ageOver 60 1.57 0.23 10.71 0.65
ageUnknown 2.48 0.53 11.67 0.25
HDVIHA 0.11 0.00 3.11 0.19
HDFHA 0.42 0.03 6.81 0.54
HDIHA 0.49 0.03 8.02 0.61
HDVCH 0.11 0.01 2.12 0.14
HDUnknown 2.36 0.30 18.52 0.41
locationhome 0.63 0.45 0.90 0.01
locationwork 0.67 0.36 1.26 0.21
locationOther 0.57 0.39 0.83 0.00
tabs2:HDVIHA 0.52 0.05 5.19 0.58
tabs3:HDVIHA 0.60 0.02 19.77 0.77
tabs>3:HDVIHA 0.00 0.00 Inf 0.98
tabs2:HDFHA 0.78 0.12 5.20 0.80
tabs3:HDFHA 1.68 0.11 24.87 0.71
tabs>3:HDFHA 0.27 0.02 3.21 0.30
tabs2:HDIHA 0.44 0.06 3.40 0.43
tabs3:HDIHA 6.12 0.38 97.95 0.20
tabs>3:HDIHA 0.69 0.06 8.68 0.78
tabs2:HDVCH 0.26 0.03 2.21 0.21
tabs3:HDVCH 0.64 0.03 13.12 0.77
tabs>3:HDVCH 0.45 0.03 6.41 0.55
tabs2:HDUnknown 0.61 0.09 4.19 0.62
tabs3:HDUnknown 3.36 0.23 49.51 0.38
tabs>3:HDUnknown 0.40 0.04 4.52 0.46
year2016:HAVIHA 51.05 0.88 2966.51 0.06
year2017:HDVIHA 48.41 1.23 1913.35 0.04
year2018:HDVIHA 0.00 0.00 Inf 0.99
year2016:HDFHA 3.26 0.10 104.55 0.50
year2017:HDFHA 5.80 0.30 111.77 0.24
year2018:HDFHA 7.48 0.32 174.24 0.21
year2016:HDIHA 4.34 0.13 148.79 0.42
year2017:HDIHA 8.45 0.40 177.91 0.17
year2018:HDIHA 6.23 0.25 153.68 0.26
year2016:HDVCH 36.08 0.97 1336.63 0.05
year2017:HDVCH 81.30 3.04 2173.58 0.01
year2018:HDVCH 32.33 0.93 1123.52 0.05
year2016:HDUnknown 0.00 0.00 Inf 0.98
year2017:HDUnknown 2.35 0.48 11.49 0.29
year2018:HDUnknown 1.00 1.00 1.00 NaN